The competition International Cisco NetRiders offers participants a unique opportunity to identify their skills, and the opportunity to reward their success. For Cisco partners and other organizations that look for skilled individuals, the competition is a medium that allows them contact with top talents and reinforcement of the staff.
The knowledge-best participants of Cisco academies from more than 40 countries compete at the annual international competition NetRiders. The competition takes place in three regions / time zones. Slovenian competitors compete in the region, which combines Western Europe, Middle East, Africa (MEA), Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Russia and Community of Independent States (CIS).
Competitors at the same time complete the on-line exam questionnaire, followed by solving practical tasks in the simulation tool Packet Tracer. The top five contestants from each region are rewarded with a week-long trip in California. At the headquarters of Cisco Systems in Silicon Valley they meet leading people in the company, system engineers and other experts, visit various high-tech organizations and the Stanford University.
Untuk kompetensi Nasional (Indonesia ) dilakukan 28 Maret 2023 Secara Serentak melalui online
UIN Jakarta yang diwakili Prodi Teknik Informatika, mengikuti pertama kali di tahun 2023, dan hasilnya
Satria Aditiya Prasetya, dengan Dosen Pengampu : Andrew Fiade, M.Kom
Marwan Hasbun Nur dengan Dosen Pengampu : Arini, MT
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