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Our Accreditation

Informatics Engineering UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta accredited "Unggul" in 2023

Our Vision 

Our Vision is to become an outstanding Computer Science Study Program that excels in software engineering and intelligent system design by integrating Islamic and Indonesian values.

Our Mission

  • Conducting education and teaching to produce professional and excellent graduates in the field of Computer Science in general, with a focus on software engineering and intelligent systems in particular.
  • Producing Computer Science graduates with a moral foundation in Islam and a strong commitment to uphold Indonesian cultural values.
  • Conducting research and development in the field of Computer Science in general, with a focus on software engineering and intelligent systems, with research domains that align with Islamic and Indonesian values.
  • Engaging in community service activities to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the community.
  • Developing trust and cooperation in the field of Computer Science at the national, regional, and international levels.

Our Study Program's Facts

Numbers are indeed abstract representations of quantities and values, but they hold significant importance and relevance in various aspects of our lives. They may be "just" numbers in the sense that they lack physical substance, but they have a profound impact and meaning in many contexts.
Awards Won
Comp. Projects

Never Forget the History

History refers to the events, experiences, and actions that have shaped the present and continue to influence the future. Our history starts by Decree of the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutions No: Dj.II/216/2002 to open Informatics Engineering Study Program on 11 July 2002. Until now our study program is one of the study programs that is very competitive in admitting new students every year.

Hall of Fame Kaprodi-Sekprodi